Top 10 Exercises To Get a Bigger Butt – Free Workout

Get A Bigger, Firmer Butt By Growing Your Glutes With This Free Butt-Building Workout, From Beginner To Advanced.

Here Are Our Top 10 Exercises To Get A Bigger Butt

10 Exercises To Get A Bigger Butt

Free Workout Summary:

The “butt” muscles, or glutes, serve a much more important purpose than their visual appeal. Strong glutes can improve posture, reduce back pain, and improve speed and power during exercise [1].  

The “butt” is made up of three muscles, including the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. These muscles work together to extend and externally rotate the thigh. The glutes are activated during movements including standing from a seated position (squatting), hip hinging (deadlifts), walking on an incline or upstairs (step-ups), and running (lunging/jumping) [2].

In this article, we include our top 10 exercises to grow your gutes, in order from beginner to advanced exercises. When training for a bigger butt, it is important to progress the level of instability and weight that you are lifting. The proper use of activation and integration exercises will increase intramuscular coordination, inter-muscular coordination and muscle fiber recruitment for strength and hypertrophy gains.

Stability exercises follow a rep range of 12-20 repetitions per exercise with a 4-2-1 (eccentric-isometric-concentric) tempo. Hypertrophy exercise follow a rep range of 6-12 repetitions per exercise with a 2-0-2 tempo.

If you are a beginner, start with a stability range and work through the list of exercises from beginner to advanced. Then repeat the list using a heavier weight within a hypertrophy rep range (6-12 repetitions).


Release & Stretch – Warm-up Exercise Routine

Before starting this workout, it is important to start release and stretch commonly overactive muscles in the lower body. For example, tight or overactive calves can prevent dorsiflexion of the ankle (lifting your toes up off the ground) and cause postural dysfunctions to occur, such as the knees bowing in or the feet turning out. Tight or overactive hips can also cause the hamstrings to become synergistically dominant. In other words, the hamstrings will take over of the glutes and prevent the glutes from activating during full body exercises. These muscular imbalances present a problem for people who are trying to develop their glutes.

1. Hamstring Release (30 sec – 2 min hold, each side)

2. Calf Stretch (20-30 second hold, each side)

3. Hip Flexor Stretch (20-30 second hold, each side)

4. Adductor Stretch (20-30 second hold, each side)

Top 10 Exercises To Get A Bigger Butt – Free Workout

These glute exercises are ordered from beginner to advanced. Start at the top and work your way down the list as you progress.

Stability: 12-20 reps (each side) /  Hypertrophy: 6-12 reps (each side)

1. Side Laying Clam Raises 

Lay on your side with a small resistance band around the knees. While keeping the top foot touching the ground, lift the top knee up and squeeze the butt. Hold at the top, then lower down slowly.

2. Quadruped Single Leg Kickbacks, Band Around Knees

Place a small resistance band around the knees. Start with your hands and knees on the ground. Kick one leg back with the toes flexed and back straight. Engage the abs and squeeze the butt on the way back. Hold then lower the leg down slowly. To progress this exercise, lift the knees up and kick the leg back. Repeat for the number of reps on each side.

3. Bridges, With Weight On Hips & Band Around Knees

Lay on your back with a band above the knees. Walk your feet in towards your butt and place your feet hip-width apart while pulling the knees apart to create tension on the band. Place a weight on your hips and push your butt up and squeeze. Hold at the top, then lower down slowly. Engage the abs to stabilize the spine. To progress, increase the weight.

4. Single Leg Bridge

Lay on your back with the feet close to your butt. Lift one leg up and push your hips up, while squeezing the butt. Hold at the top, then lower down slowly. Engage the abs to stabilize the spine. To progress, add weight by holding a dumbbell on your hips.

5. Barbell Back Squats, Band Around Knees

Place a small resistance band above the knees. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Position a barbell centered on the upper traps. Lift the weight and take a few steps back. Engage the abs and breathe in on the way down into the squat. Hold at the bottom, then exhale and squeeze the butt on the way up. Remember to keep tension on the band by pulling the knees apart.

6. Dumbbell Side Holding Squats, Band Around Knees

Place a small resistance band above the knees. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Engage the abs and breathe in on the way down into the squat. Hold at the bottom, then exhale and squeeze the butt on the way up. Remember to keep tension on the band by pulling the knees apart.

7. Dumbbell Step-Up Progressions

Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Step-up with both feet and back down. Repeat for the number of reps with each leg. Progress by balancing on one leg OR by increasing the height of the step OR increasing the weight in each hand.

1. Front Step-ups: Stand facing the step.

2. Side Step-ups: Stand next to a step. Step-up with the inner leg.

3. Rotational Step-ups: Stand next to a step. Rotate 90-degrees with the inner leg to step up. Then rotate 90-degrees back down with the outer leg to return to the starting position.

8. Split Squats

Stand with your weight shifted onto the front leg while standing on the back toes. Bent the knees and lower the back knee just above the ground. Then push up through your front foot while squeezing your butt. Progress by holding a weight in each hand.

9. Kettlebell Deadlifts

Stand feet hip-width apart while holding a kettlebell. Engage the lats by pulling the weight apart, with the chest up and shoulders back. Lean forward, while hinging forward from the hips and pushing the butt back. Lower the weight down towards the ground while keeping the shins straight. Hold, then lift up while pushing the butt forward and squeezing. Exhale on the way up.

10. Single Leg Deadlifts

Stand on one foot while holding a weight in each hand. Keep your chest up and shoulders back to maintain a straight back. Lean forward, while hinging forward from the hips and pushing the butt back. Lower the weight down towards the ground while keeping the shin straight. Hold, then lift up while pushing the butt forward and squeezing. Exhale on the way up.

Level 1: Lower down to the knee; Level 2: Lower down to the shin; Level 3: Lower down to the ankle


1. Chander, R. (2020, August 26). 3 moves to strengthen your body’s biggest muscle – your butt. Healthline. Retrieved February 9, 2022, from

2. Elzanie, A. (2021, July 19). Anatomy, bony pelvis and lower limb, gluteus maximus muscle. StatPearls [Internet]. Retrieved February 9, 2022, from

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How Can I Get A Bigger Butt Fast

Here Are 10 Exercises To Get a Bigger Butt Fast:

1. Side Laying Clam Raises

2. Quadruped Single Leg Kickbacks

3. Bridges

4. Single Leg Bridges

5. Barbell Back Squats

6. Dumbbell Side Holding Squats

7. Dumbbell Step-Ups

8. Split Squats

9. Deadlifts

10. Single Leg Deadlifts

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