Identifying Healthy and Unhealthy Habits

A person’s habits are the window into how they live their lives and what they value. This is why identifying unhealthy habits and working to transform them into healthy habits is pivotal in achieving any of your fitness goals. Luckily, there is much research on how habits form and how we can change them.

01/21/2024 | Coaching Tips, Weight Loss

A person’s habits are the window into how they live their lives and what they value. If you set a weight loss goal to get from 275 pounds to 200 pounds, then the habits that led your weight to become 275 pounds cannot and will not get you down to 200 Lbs. This is why identifying unhealthy habits and working to re-engineer them into healthy habits is pivotal in achieving any of your fitness goals. Luckily, there is much research on how habits form and how we can change them.
Transforming Unhealthy Habits Into Healthy Habits
Experience the power of habit change. This worksheet will help you transform your unhealthy habits into healthy habits. We will email you a copy of your results PLUS you will receive a FREE COPY of our Transformation Guide - Phase 1 - Transform Your Mind. This guide will help you further unlock the benefits of habit change, bringing you one step closer towards reaching your goals.
Think about an unhealthy habit that involves EATING. Ex: Eating sugary foods, eating late at night, eating large portion sizes
Turn unhealthy habit #1 into a healthy habit that will help you EAT WELL. Ex: Replacing sugary foods with fruit, not eating after 7pm, measuring smaller portion sizes
Think of an unhealthy habit that affects how you MOVE. Ex: Not making time for exercise, sitting for long periods of time, sitting with poor posture
Turn unhealthy habit #2 into a healthy habit that will help you MOVE WELL. Ex: Exercising for 30 minutes each day, tracking my steps each day, going for walks during my lunch break at work, maintaining upright posture when sitting and walking.
Think of an unhealthy habit that affects how you FEEL. Ex: Getting less than 6 hours of sleep each night, skipping meals/breakfast, not drinking water throughout the day.
Turn unhealthy habit #3 into a healthy habit that will help you FEEL WELL. Ex: Get 6-8 hours of sleep each night, plan to have 3 meals and 2-3 snacks per day, track water intake each day.
We will email you a copy of your Habit Change results. By submitting your email, we will send you occasional emails with fitness & nutrition tips PLUS you will receive a FREE COPY of our Transformation Guide Phase 1 - Transform Your Mind, which highlights the power of habit change! You can unsubscribe at any time.

Understanding the Process

In the book, The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg, Duhigg refers to the process of how a habit is formed and how it is carried out as the “Habit Loop” (as cited in Duhigg 2012). The habit loop consists of a cue, a routine, & a reward (Duhigg, 2012).
The cue is anything that initiates the habit loop to begin. Ex. Feeling hungry and bored.
The routine is the activity or action performed in response to the cue. Ex. getting a bag of chips.
The reward is the positive or pleasurable feeling that you get after performing the routine. Ex. feeling full and satisfied after eating a snack (Duhigg, 2012).

Identifying Unhealthy Habits

The first step is always the most difficult, so we encourage you to start making a change now! Start by identifying one unhealthy habit for each wellness category that may be holding you back from achieving your goals.

1. Unhealthy Eating Habit ______________ Ex. Eating sugary foods or drinking alcohol

2. Unhealthy Moving Habit ______________ Ex. Sitting all day or driving short distances

3. Unhealthy Feeling Habit ______________ Ex. Not drinking enough water & feeling dehydrated

Replacing With Healthy Habits

Now that you have done that, the next step is to think about how you can change each unhealthy habit into a healthy one.

1. Healthy Eating Habit: _________________________________________________________
Ex. Whenever I feel like grabbing a sugary snack, I will grab a fruit instead

2. Healthy Moving Habit: ________________________________________________________
Ex. I will move more by taking walks during my lunch break at work.

3. Healthy Feeling Habit: ________________________________________________________
Ex. I will carry a water bottle to remind myself to drink more water throughout the day.

Some people don’t even know that habits can be changed, but with this guide, you should feel empowered to make big changes in your life that make you a happier and healthier person.


About The Author:

Charles armstrong author

Charles Armstrong

Contributing Author

Charles Armstrong is a copywriter with a specialization in the fitness industry, and has a track record of success, having worked with Transfitnation over the course of several years. Additionally, he is an author and entrepreneur, using his skills to help others achieve their goals.

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